UKSA has provided its response to Professor Lievesley review, to read a copy of that response please go here
The full details of the Net Zero Seminar are available on Net Zero…
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”HCIs joint launch text”]
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A seminar discussing the issues raised by Professor Lievesley’s review.
The …
As a special contribution to the review of UKSA Better Statistics are planning a one-day seminar on the 19th September. We are pleased to announce that Sir Robert Chote and Sir Vince Cable have agreed to serve on the …
Jill Leyland provides a useful timeline of the events relating to the decision to remove the RPI as a National Statistic
The latest Data from the Opinium Inflation Research on behalf of Better Statistics shows that only a third of UK citizens are aware that the ONS is responsible for measuring inflation and even fewer know that the official statistic is …