Population Issues

Projection for the UK Population

Projection for the UK Population

Anyone who was interested in the ONS projection for the UK population to an estimated total of 73.7 million inhabitants by the summer of 2036 will be interested to read Merle Gering’s comments on the 20 year housing forecast for
It’s official, statistics can destroy the environment

It’s official, statistics can destroy the environment

“Merle Gering of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England provides further commentary on the past errors made with mid-year population estimates for Coventry and many other local authorities.  Although the ONS has reluctantly recognised some errors, they had
Where are the excess deaths?

Where are the excess deaths?

Author: Tony Dent

There has been extensive news coverage of the difficulties experienced by the National Health Service, with some commentators linking the difficulties to an unusual increase in deaths.  For example the organisation Pulse headlined on 6th January …

BSPS Conference Report

BSPS Conference Report

A personal review by Tony Dent, Director Better Statistics CIC

I had not previously heard of the BSPS until invited to attend this conference. I therefore had no previous knowledge of what to expect, but it seemed important to attend, …

How Did ONS get the projections and estimates so badly wrong for Coventry?

How Did ONS get the projections and estimates so badly wrong for Coventry?

Notes provided by Merle Gering[1], Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE)



This brief paper sets out a timeline of the events concerning the controversy surrounding the ONS estimates pf the population in Coventry from …

Latest evidence on Coventry’s population estimates

Latest evidence on Coventry’s population estimates

Professor Champion of Newcastle University wonders if history is repeating itself in respect of Coventry’s statistics. The note below provides an update to Sir Andrew Watson’s speech at the launch event of last November.


Is history repeating itself in